If Chick-Fil-A Made Chicken Wings They’d Taste Like These Wings

Fatty Liver Diet Do’s And Don’ts

In her book, “Fatty Liver Diet Guide”, veteran liver nurse, Dorothy Spencer, states, “There is in fact little difference between the regular diet between healthy people and fatty liver patients. The main point is to reduce the fat content and encourage the body to fully utilize the calories for energy so that there will be no excess storage of fat and carbohydrates.” She goes on to stress the importance of regulation, balance, and incorporating all food groups through a highly nutritional diet.

Idiot Proof Diet Review – What Is Calorie Shifting?

Why do you think even after rigorously counting your calorie intake, reducing vigorously on your carbohydrate and fat intake your weight soon comes back again after a short period of time? It is theorized in several diet programs like the Idiot proof diet and the Zigzag diet, among many others, that when you reduce your calorie intake after a while, your metabolic system adjusts itself with this pattern and again slows down. It is suggested that the metabolic system needs to remain clueless about the pattern of your calorie intake so that it cannot guess it, adjust itself and…

Indian Diet – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

So, are you over weight in the world’s largest democracy? If yes, then you might probably want to look for diets with a more Indian focus. There are frankly, good and bad things about an Indian diet.

Syntra 5 for Diabetes

Diabetes is a real problem in our society today with according The American Diabetes Association and the 2007 National Diabetes Fact sheet affects somewhere around 23.6 women, men and children. That means a whopping 7.

Fat Loss For Idiots – The Skinny on This Weight Loss Formula

The Fat Loss 4 Idiots weight loss program is a popular online diet that claims its users can lose 9lbs. in just 11 days. It suggests that it’s user’s eat four small meals per day centered around food that the user already likes, rather than health foods or shakes that are not liked.

Learn the Correct Information About Quick Diets

There are a variety of reasons for using quick diets. If you provide the effort, I will show you the way.

Do the Pros of Medifast Outweigh the Cons?

People often ask me for my opinion about the pros and cons of Medifast. And often when I provide them, I’m asked if I think the pros outweigh the cons or if there are more positives than negatives. In the following article, I’ll tell you what I consider to be any advantages and disadvantages to this diet and whether the good things outweigh the bad.

“Eating Clean” Is Easier Than Counting Calories – And More Effective Too!

The calorie content of a food tells you absolutely nothing about the nutritional value of the food. Calorie counting creates a mindset where you focus on the negative. You end up obsessing about all of the “bad” foods you can’t eat rather than emphasizing the positive and creatively thinking about all the healthy “whole foods” you can eat.

A Healthy Diet Can Prevent a Host of Diseases

It is a known fact that a healthy diet can help reduce weight. But did you know that by eating the right kind of food, you can prevent diseases and ailments that are as severe as cancer, asthma and heart disease?

Diet For Pregnant Women – Strengthen Your Baby Before It’s Born

During pregnancy, it is very important to take care of the feeding of the pregnant woman, since it is decisive for the good development of the fetus. That’s the reason why following a diet while pregnant is very important. Remember, you are eating for 2!

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