No Bake Keto Cheesecake Recipe

The Common Side Effects of The Master Cleanse Diet

Losing weight is a struggle for many people. Some are constantly searching for the diet that will help them shed pounds. They may even spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on diets. The search continues until they find a method that helps them get healthy. One diet that an increasing amount of people are trying is the Master Cleanse Diet, and some have had a great deal of success with it. What may not be known is the side effects that can come with it.

Is Combo Pilling for Weight Loss a Good Idea? Combining Drugs Might Be Legal But Is It Safe?

Of late, the blend of Topomax, an anticonvulsant approved for the treatment of epilepsy and migraines; and phentermine, the above referenced appetite suppressant, are making their way into the collective dieters’ consciousness. When combined with phentermine, the results can be downright staggering. I monitored some online discussion groups and found it not uncommon for participants to claim weight losses of four or five pounds a week for extended periods. It might be effective but the broader questions are “Is it healthy?” and “What are the long-term implications?”

Health Benefits of Eating a Mediterranean Diet – Critical Things You Need to Be Aware Of

A life that is long and free of disease and suffering is what we all want. But with the stresses inherent in modern living and the obscene levels of processed food consumption these days, it seems that this is more of ideal rather than the norm. In the Mediterranean, however, people have long been enjoying higher life expectancy rates and excellent overall health.

Grapefruit Diet

I am sure you have all heard of the grapefruit diet. It is also known as the Hollywood diet. Here is some great info to help you choose if the grapefruit diet is right for you.

Detox Diet Tips – Important Things You May Not Know

A detox diet is a healthy way of cleansing and renewing your body without depriving you of food and important nutrients. When you are about to start a weight loss diet or want to recover from a particularly indulgent week, detoxifying your body of the toxins becomes important.

Raw Food Diet Weight Loss Plan

Looking for fail-safe effective ways to lose weight? Fed up of all the old tried and tested formula? Do not lose heart because there is a new method which is almost guaranteed to make you lose weight, almost with no effort at all.

The Dukan Diet VS The Atkins Diet

Both the Dukan Diet and the Atkins Diet stick with the same objectives. Above all is to help in shedding weight and second is to reduce the ingestion of carbohydrates from food. However, to satisfy the same objective, they follow two different routes.

The 4 Phases of the Dukan Diet Explained

There are four phases of the Dukan Diet. Each with distinct elements and different meal plans. The following article will shed some light on each of the four phases.

Common Sense Dieting: Bottom Line Is Calories In Versus Calories Out – No Matter What Else They Say

A report proved that as long as a diet reduced one’s caloric intake, the result was weight loss – regardless of the diet’s make up of fat, protein, or carbohydrate. What they discovered was that craving, fullness, hunger, and diet satisfaction were similar across all four diets; and that all participants lost weight and reduced their waistlines – irrespective of the type of diet they followed.

What Is A Healthy Kidney Diet Plan?

This article describes the five important components in food that determine whether you’re eating a healthy kidney diet or not. It is helpful information for anyone who already has kidney trouble – or wants to avoid it.

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