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The Negative Aspect Of The Dukan Diet: The Side Effects

Every diet has positive and negative aspects to it and the Dukan diet is no different. The big question is whether the positives outweigh the negatives.

Alkaline Diet Recipes: Recipe Ideas

One of the most commonly discussed diets around is the alkaline diet. The core of it is consuming a heavy dose of fruits and vegetables, which as we all know is healthy for the body. This is not one of those diets that forces you to eat foods that you can’t enjoy, you will have a variety of alkaline foods to select from each time you eat. It’s important to familiarize yourself with as many alkaline diet recipes and foods so they that you can have as much variety as you would like.

What Is The Transition And Maintenance Plans Like On Medifast? How Do They Work?

I sometimes have people ask me how difficult it is to transition to regular eating after you have met your goals on the Medifast diet. There is a lot of anxiety about this which is understandable. After all, you’ve likely worked very hard to meet your weight loss goals and you’re also likely very excited about your new body. No one wants to go back to their original size and people want to know how to keep this from happening. I often hear comments like “how hard is it to keep the weight off after Medifast? How does the transition and maintenance plans work?” I will try to address these concerns in the following article.

Low Carb High Protein Diet – The Facts About the Atkins Diet

Losing weight quickly, at more than 3 pounds a week after the first 2 weeks, can increase your risk of developing gallstones. Also diets that provide less than 800 calories per day may result in heart rhythm complications which can prove to be fatal.

Beware of Diets

We in the U.S. are dealing with a type of expansion that isn’t healthy… our expanding waistlines. We’re all looking for the magic diet that will end our suffering… but is there one?

Taking Care of Out-Of-Control Hunger

Eating is one of the best things we can do in life. Sadly, not all of us have a metabolism that can easily burn off what we ate.

Protein Rich Foods And Healthy Diet

Protein is indispensable in building muscles, recovering and substituting tissues, and preserving a good immune and hormonal system. Protein rich foods accelerate metabolic process. For people who are physically active, a lot of protein is a must in their diets. A balanced high protein diet is essential.

How to Undertake a Candida Albicans Diet

This article provides information for the reader about Candida Albicans diet, and also used free diet information. By adjusting to an appropriate diet, you will be able to permanently achieve a lasting cure from candida yeast infection.

Understanding Why Diets Fail

This article deals with understanding why dieters fail more than they succeed. We establish the importance of customizable nutrition designed specifically for each individual’s metabolism and discuss how the key to health and fitness comes from within.

Paleo Diet and Celiac Disease

People with Celiac Disease suffer from damage to their stomachs whenever they eat gluten and other proteins that are typically found in grains and oats. The paleo diet is often called the “caveman’s diet” because you are only allowed to eat the things that would have been available to cavemen. This meal plan is ideal for individuals with this disorder because it completely eliminates grains from the menu.

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