The 5 BEST Nutrition Books of All Time… and 5 Bad Ones

South Beach Diet – What Are “Good” Carbohydrates and Fats?

If you’re considering doing the South Beach Diet, then you’ve certainly heard that the diet works because it teaches you how to eat “good” carbohydrates instead of “bad” carbohydrates and “good” fats instead of “bad” fats. But aren’t all fats and carbohydrates bad? No!

Diets That Work

A large number of diets are available claiming to help lose weight. It would be difficult to sieve trough all of them to reach a diet that would suit an individual. Certain specific characteristics should be kept in mind while deciding upon the diet to be followed…

How to Keep Belly Fat Off

Eating is actually a very fun and enjoyable pleasure for human beings, but the consequence that comes with it is very unavoidable. Once you ate too much, to take in too much fat, calories and cholesterols inside your body as well – result: FAT.

Lemonade Diet – What Is It?

What is it? The Lemonade Diet, also known as the Master Cleanse, is a special diet that cleanses your body of toxins while also helping you lose weight. It requires you to drink 60 ounces of a lemonade mixture every day for 10 days with the only other drink permitted during this time being water. Most importantly, you are not allowed to drink or eat anything else during the 10 day period, or the diet is considered a failure. It is important to follow the rules of the cleanse if you want it to be a success.

Why Diets Don’t Work For Everybody

There are hundreds of different diet plans out there. Some, like the Zone Diet or the Atkins Diet are more popular than others. But while these diets work well for some, people often find themselves frustrated and angry because the diets didn’t work for them. They attempt these special diets for one, maybe two weeks, or even longer, until they realize they aren’t losing weight and throw in the towel. Failing at a diet can be very upsetting especially if success is the one thing you want more than anything.

Easy Ways to Simplify Your Diet and Eating Habits

Simplicity is the key to success in most areas of your life, and your diet and eating habits are no exception. Too often we feel like we’re caught between either having complicated diets that require a lot of preparation but are good for us, and having simple diets that are filled with junk food and cause disasters for our health. Thankfully, this understanding is nothing more than misinformation.

The Atkins Diet – What You Need To Know

A very popular weight loss method is the Atkins Diet. Being selective in the foods you choose to consume is very important if you are looking to lose weight. Many people go on these special diets thinking that they will lose the weight quickly with just changing their diet.

Why It’s a Good Idea to Eat Slower

I once glanced through a book called something like “The Tao of Eating.” My girlfriend at the time had the book, and I was killing some time and decided to flip through it. It was pretty interesting, but I wasn’t quite sure I understood what it was talking about- especially the whole section devoted to chewing. Not just one page, but many pages…

Part Time Medifast – Would You Still Lose Weight If You Were Only On Medifast For Part Of The Time?

I sometimes hear from people who want to know if the Medifast diet is effective if you’re only on it part time. As an example, I recently heard from someone who told me that she was willing to replace her breakfast and lunch with a diet meal, but she didn’t want to lose out on her family dinners and wanted to know if a “part time” meal replacement regimen might still be effective in helping her to lose weight. I’ll look more closely at this issue and tell you my opinion on this in the following article.

Must Read – The Diet Solution Program Review

Can you believe that you can eat whatever you want and in quantity and keep yourself trim? This happens to be true! You can fill up your stomach with whatever you want and keep your shape at the same time. It is this factor that attracted me to this Diet Solution Program. I never liked to starve for the sake of reducing my weight.

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